An Archive of Video clips for Your Enjoyment

11-3-19 With the conclusion of the MLB World Series our baseball season is no more. The hot stove league will heat up and some of us will pay more attention to other sports, hockey, basketball, even football. Football is so different than baseball. George Carlin did an excellent routine about the differences between baseball and football. I had this as an audio clip earlier but Roland sent me this video of the act. Check it out. It is hilarious, "George Carlin, Baseball versus Football".


11-10-19 There have been some tremendous pitchers in baseball over time. Most of the great ones threw gas. Blazing fastballs usually with a great breaking ball to go with it. Well there is one star who didn't have the devastating fastball. He was a junk baller and proud of it. His name, Phil Niekro. He was famous for his knuckle ball. He was perhaps the last great knuckle baller and made it to the Hall of Fame. I hope you enjoy the "Phil Niekro" video.


11-17-19 We all make mistakes. When you are a professional baseball player on television those mistakes get magnified and can be quite embarrassing. Imagine forgetting the count. You could really make a foul of yourself running off the mound when its only 2 strikes or trotting to first with only 3 balls. And it's not just the player forgetting the count. It's also the umps. Check out "MLB Low IQ Plays: Forgetting The Count".


11-24-19 There has been a lot of great baseball players over the years. We all know the big names, Ruth, Mays, Aaron, Cobb, etc. One guy who often gets overlooked is Ron Santo. A hall of famer most people have forgotten about Cub third baseman. I hope this video refreshes your memories.."Ron Santo's Road to Cooperstown - Baseball Hall of Fame."


12-1-19 If it's Baseball's off-season it must be time for the "hot stove season". Rumors fly about who is being traded, who is signing with whom. There is no action on the field but there is plenty of talk on the radio and speculation in the newspapers. Significant trades are becoming rare but that may be in part to Free Agents. A team that can sign a Free Agent can improve their team without losing any talent. Here from is someones "Top 20 MLB Free Agents for 2019/2020 Hot Stove Season"


12-8-19 Here is another "under the radar" superstar. A brilliant Hall of Fame pitcher with multiple all-star appearances, four CY Young awards, over 300 wins, over 4000 strike outs, and the last pitcher to pitch over 300 innings in a season. Yet he is not mentioned when many people talk about the greatest pitchers of all time. Who are we talking about? It's Steve "Lefty" Carlton. I hope you enjoy, from the "Legends Series, Steve Carlton Highlights".