1-15-17   Now that we have the FBN career pitching stats updated one name that is prominent is Greg Maddux. Maddux dominated the FBN and MLB for quite a while. I found an interview with Maddux, reflecting on his career.
1-22-17   Major League baseball players are the ultimate, the best, unsurpassed. They have honed their craft for years so that they would not make any mistakes. Hours after endless hours in the batting cage have given them perfect swings. Oops, some of these guys need a little more work. Lets check out "MLB Worst Swings".
1-29-17   Tony Gwynn had a fantastic Major League career. Numerous batting titles, speed, all-star appearances, defense, and surprising pop for a little guy. Plus he just loved baseball. After the bigs he went onto coaching college ball at San Diego State. Unfortunately his life was cut short due to oral cancer probably caused by chewing tobacco. Here is a nice interview with Gwynn that occurred after his second major surgery.
2-5-17   Opening day at SOM is coming up this Friday. I'm making the journey to Glen Head again this year. I keep asking myself why I do this. I think it will be my 25th trip. The reason, I usually say its for the love of the game. SOM is unique as we all know. I found this look at SOM by the YES network. I hope you all enjoy.
2-12-17   For some reason, after spending the opening day at Strat-o-matic with Roland, the thought of embarrassing moments stuck in my mind. I probably had the picture of Roland eating a donut in my mind. The big leaguers have embarrassing moments too. Times that they would like to forgot but sometime get caught on camera and haunt them for years. Here is "MLB Most Embarrassing Moments".
2-19-17   A player with a huge impact on the game was Jose Canseco. Part of the "Bash Brothers" there was always something interesting about Jose. From fly balls bouncing off his head for home runs to his own light tower shots Jose demanded attention. He was probably also one of the faces of the steroid era. His interview on 60 Minutes about steroid use brought many denials from players and management but ultimately the story was pretty accurate. Here is the "60 Minutes Jose Canseco Interview".